Why you should have a responsive website

by | May 25, 2022

Hey there, my friend! Are you running a website that isn’t responsive yet? Well, let me tell you something, you’re leaving money on the table! Having a responsive website is not just a luxury anymore, it’s a necessity if you want to stay ahead of the curve. In today’s fast-paced world, your website needs to be able to adapt to any device, screen size, or orientation. Whether it’s a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, your website should look great and function flawlessly across all platforms.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the reasons why having a responsive website is crucial for your online presence, and how it can make a significant impact on your business’s bottom line. So grab your favourite beverage and let’s get started!

What does a responsive website actually mean?

A responsive website has been designed to readjust the sizing and framework of your website. It will adjust depending on what device the visitor is using. This makes a seamless experience for the visitor. A visitor who views a responsive website on a laptop, iPad or iPhone will view the same content. But the only difference is the altered layout to suit the size. This gives the visitor an optimal experience.

How does a responsive design work?

A responsive website takes into account the width of the device the visitor is using to determine how the content will be delivered.

This means, if you are on an iPhone you may see one image per row in a gallery. On the other hand, if you are viewing from a laptop the gallery may be five images per row. This allows the user to have a greater experience and eliminates the chance of having content too small for the device, rendering it hard to be seen.

The website code is responsible for finding out the device dimensions and delivering the correct sizing and framework for that device.

What are the benefits of having a responsive website?

1. Improve SEO

Search engines take into account a broad range of elements. From on page keywords and content writing through to page speed and user experience, there is a lot of work that links together to assist your website ranking. With a push for mobile content (Google announced their mobile-first indexing), your responsive site will likely rank higher than non-mobile friendly content.

The fact that Google announced ‘mobile-first indexing’ acknowledges that I’m current times a large number of users are accessing the web via their devices. So this is another reason responsive web design is paramount.

2. Improve user experience

Improving your user experience is great for conversion rates and keeping your visitors happy, engaged and coming back. A responsive website eliminates the need to zoom in on mobile devices to see smaller content. Better user experience also helps search engine ranking.

Search engines take into account a number of different elements including the bounce rate and time spent on the website. These elements can also indicate a positive (or negative) user experience. In saying that, having a responsive website will boost both of these as the content will be suited to the device making it easier and more enjoyable for the visitor.

3. Increases performance

Mobile friendly websites (aka responsive websites) are more accessible, faster and easier to navigate. This gives the visitor a better experience which effects valuable analytics such as the bounce rate and time spent on each page. This, in turn, increases the website performance.

4. Your website looks great everywhere

With so many variables in screen sizes, browsers and devices, a responsive website fits the bill for any shape and size. This means your website will look great no matter what the device the user is accessing the site via.

Statistics on mobile use

By the end of 2021 the number of people using their mobile device was more than 50% of the population! So imagine, if your website was not optimised for mobile devices. You are essentially loosing 50% of your prospective customers if your site is not effective.

Do you love statistics? You can view more stats about web users over at review42. They quote that

80% of the top-ranked websites are mobile-friendly.


61% of users will never return to a website that is not mobile adaptive.


That’s HUGE!

Don’t know if you have a responsive website?

Check out your website on your own device.

Is it easy to navigate?

Do all of your website elements fit on the screen?

Are you able to click on links and buttons easily?

Can you view all of your content without zooming in? 

If answered ‘no’ to any of these get in touch with us for advice on how you can fix the website. 

Looking to find out how you can make your website mobile friendly?

We would love to have a chat to you and answer any of your questions regarding how you can make your website responsive. A responsive design is an ABSOLUTE must in the website world. When viewing your analytics you will be able to tell how many more visitors access your site via their mobile! Make them happy (and assist in conversions) and get your website mobile friendly today!

Do you LOVE your website on mobile? If not, get in touch for some tips in improving the website.


Book a phone consult

Greer Rowley

Meet Greer, a digital marketing expert with a passion for creating custom marketing solutions for businesses. With a background in website design and a deep understanding of digital marketing, Greer is dedicated to providing the best possible marketing plan for your business. Greer is a true believer in the power of digital marketing, and has honed her skills to provide the most effective strategies for businesses of all sizes. With a broad skill set, she is able to cover a range of marketing elements, and can work within your business and budget to provide the best results. Greer is all about collaboration and customer-focused solutions. She loves working closely with clients to bring their marketing visions to life, and is passionate about creating websites that are both functional and beautiful. If you're looking for a marketing partner who will put your business first, look no further than Greer.

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