Five reasons why you should have a WordPress website?

Shopify Websites, Website knowledge
13 March 2021
By zeldesigns

There are so many more reasons why you should have a WordPress website but we have focused this blog on the top five reasons you should get a WordPress website – the real WordPress. Wait, what does that mean?

What WordPress are you talking about? or

When we talk about a WordPress website, we are referring to, the self hosted version ( the real version). Opposed to which is more of a hosting option. The main difference in the two is who hosts your website. With you are in charge of hosting (this is our preferred option). On the other hand, is hosted by them and limits your ability to use functions by the plan you select. Don’t waste your time on the option! Just straight into with your own hosting. (Find out what we suggest you look for when comparing hosting options)

Popular questions in the website world are ‘Why do I need a WordPress website?’, ‘Why is WordPress so popular’ or ‘Do I need to switch my current website to a WordPress website’. We are a huge lover of WordPress due to the abundance of options available. If you need to find any answers, a quick Google search will provide so many options to fix your issue or provide quick (and mostly sound) advice. Not only that you have a huge amount of plugins and themes which all add value and function to your website.

web design mock up

1. ‘Everyone’ has a WordPress website

Almost 40% of all websites on the Internet use WordPress. You are in great company with some of the largest brands in the world using the platform. This means you can won’t see the end of WordPress anytime soon. The WordPress development team and all of the 3rd party developers, will continue to produce amazing functions that you can implement into your website.

2. Most Popular CMS

WordPress dominates the content management system market, with almost 60%! This means that WordPress is even more popular for websites using a CMS. The closest competitor is Shopify with 6.4% coverage. Search Engine Journal has some great statistics that place WordPress so far in front of its competitors it is hard to argue.

Being the most popular CMS you can rest assured the WordPress development team are going to go from strength to strength. There is no end in sight for the WordPress platform.

3. Plug-in options are endless

The plug-ins available for a WordPress website are next level! Plugins allow you to add functions to your site without coding or technical knowledge. With copious amounts of plugins available, your website is only limited by your imagination! As a result, your website can be as unique as you and your brand, allowing you to stand out from your competition. Free and premium plugin options are available and are easily downloadable from your website backend interface.

4. Easy and customisable themes available

The theme options available to you is another endless pit of magic! Themes allow you to change the look of your website without code or technical knowledge. WordPress themes are user friendly and give you the ability to change colour, font and more! Again, these come as free or premium options. 

Free WordPress Themes

Premium WordPress Themes

5. SEO plugins to boost rankings

Being one of the most popular platforms you have access to SUPER strong plugins that help with SEO and site speed. These plugins make online marketing simpler for DYI and marketing professionals. While there are a number of plugins available for SEO we can’t go past Yoast. It is a great, user friendly plugin for SEO. And, yes we use Yoast for our projects!

* Disclaimer: we have since moved across to Rank Math for our SEO work. We are currently in the testing phase and will provide an in-depth review on both Yoast SEO and Rank Math once we have established our findings. At this point in time we are finding Yoast SEO is better for DIY and first timers. So if you have a WordPress website be sure to add either of these plug-ins for great SEO help.

* Bonus #6 WordPress is a scalable platform

What does this mean to you? You can start small and grow your website as your business grows. WordPress powers some of the most popular websites on the web. So you can be confident that scaling your website in the future won’t be an issue.

Summary: Yes, you need a WordPress website

As Central Coast based WordPress experts, we may be biased against other platforms. We like to work within our clients needs and wants for each project. Sometimes this means we use alternative platforms such as Shopify. Each platform has their pros and cons. In saying that, we still love the WordPress platform and all the available options.

We have been referring some e-commerce websites to Shopify as they offer a different options for online stores. We would love to discuss your website needs and the pro’s and con’s of each platform in relation to your business.

Want to find out more? We can help guide you through your DYI WordPress site. Alternatively, we would love to take the reigns and drive your WordPress website to the top of the Google Rankings. Contact us!

Need help with your website?

Looking for a partner who can help guide you with website design and development or completely take the reigns and steer your site to new heights? 

  • Need help updating your current Shopify or WordPress site?
  • Want a completely new website for your serivce or products?
  • Not sure where to start but want an approachable and easy going designer to help?
  • Ready to take the plunge into business growth and take your online reputation seriously?

If you answered yes to any of these, send us a little love note via the form below and we will get in touch to discuss your project.

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